January ‘Members Only’ General Meeting

Club 379 - Maple Ridge 22326 North Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada

  Unit #379 general meeting. Members' presence at this event will make a difference. We look forward to seeing you there! Time: 10:00am until 11:00.  Doors are locked at 10:00am so come 15 minutes earlier. Want to explore becoming a member? Fill out an application next time you are in. It's a low annual fee, and […]

February ‘Members Only’ General Meeting

Club 379 - Maple Ridge 22326 North Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada

Unit #379 general meeting. Members' presence at this event will make a difference. We look forward to seeing you there! Time: 10:00am until 11:00.  Doors are locked at 10:00am so come 15 minutes earlier. Want to explore becoming a member? Fill out an application next time you are in. It's a low annual fee, and it […]